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Welcome To The Vidya Network

Welcome to Vidya Network, we are so glad you’re here! We are hard at work to build a collaborative platform that connects those of you on a mission to support educational opportunities for all.

Vidyā (विद्या) is a Sanskrit word that means “knowledge,” “clarity” or “higher learning.”

Image by Tim Mossholder

Together We Go Further

Join us in maximizing opportunities for existing organizations and individuals with the purpose of magnifying impact in the realm of education.

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You are an individual or an organization that wants to offer support in the form of donation, time, curriculum development expertise. Each of you has the desire to help, and see lasting change in the quality and access of education.



You are an individual or organization who is seeking assistance to continue providing quality services that are improving literacy and access to education. Assistance can include financial, educational, or overall awareness building.

Image by Husniati Salma

General Members

You do not necessarily fit into the provider or seeker category, but you wish to get involved and be a part of our greater community. This can be through participating in discussion forums, or simply donating to our cause.

All Hands In
“I have seen through first hand experience that education can be the difference between poor self esteem and living life with confidence on your own terms; everyone deserves the opportunity to choose dignity.”

Deepika - Co-Founder & President

Our Process

Join us in maximizing opportunities for existing organizations and individuals with the purpose of magnifying impact in the realm of education.

 Create a profile to start the process.

Tell us about your offering and needs.

Connect with providers & seekers.

Maximize your potential & expand.

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